Wednesday 16 December 2009

The Evolution Of Britney Spears (3)

A close up shot has been used to create sympathy for her. Her facial expressions relates to the lead story “Inside An American Tragedy”. The black and white image represents sadness, depression and all other miserable emotions, this informs the audience of her tradgedy.

The image is cropped so her face takes up the whole front cover. The audience will be instantly notice this magazine because of the main image. Usually Britney is portrayed in a sexual way, but this picture is telling the audience that she does not care for her apearence, she does not care any more.

Britney wants the audience to feel her pain and sorrow, her direct mode of address seems like she is asking each individual reader to for their time to rad about her catastrophe. The image will create sympathy and will persuade the audience to buy the magazine to read britney’s story from her point of view.

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